Crop means domesticated or cultivated plants that are grown for profit(Isabella Lastimosa, 2015). It usually connotes a group or population of cultivated plants. In the other hand, plant is any organism belonging to the kingdom plantae typically lacking of active locomotion or obvious nervous system or sensory organs and has photosynthetic ability.
Everyday, everyone is impacted by crop science. From the endless green fields of corn and soybeans which cover the Midwest, the vibrant yellows of sunflowers in Canada, the expansive rice patties of Asia, the vast acres of cotton drying under the hot Southwestern sun, to the lush green mountains of coffee growing in Central America, these crops do not just happen(Crop Science, Society Of America). Hard work on the part of the grower, aided by the crop sciences makes these crops possible.
1. To equip the graduates with sufficient training and production technology that will enable them engage meaningfully in full-time crop production enterprise
2. To prepare the graduates with adequate knowledge and skill to work in research and development institutions at both national and international levels.
3. To produce graduates that will teach agricultural science at secondary level.
The B. Agric (Crop Science) programme is designed to provide a broad practical and theoretical training in the basic agricultural sciences for the first three years. During the fourth year (farm year), practical training is provided in approved farms and agro-based establishments. During the fifth (final) year, the students are given intensive courses that will enable them graduate in any of the under-listed areas of specialization.
Crop Production
Crop Protection
Our research focus spans through the application of basic sciences to the production, protection and exploitation of indigenous crop species. Recently, emphasis has been extended to address the utilization of biotechnology in the production of high premium planting materials for farmers.
Job Opportunities
Crop Science is applied biological and physical sciences in the production of food and fibre the foundation of civilization. Training in the Department provides job opportunities in various government and private agencies engaged in crop production as well as being self-employed. Graduates work as agricultural and biological scientists and also as research staff of agriculture based institutions at both national and international levels, technical experts in agricultural farms, ADPs, River Basin Authorities, plantations, agro-chemicals industries and food control laboratories, They can also serve as science teachers. Job opportunities also exist in customs and quarantine services, agricultural department of financial institutions such as commercial banks and agricultural credit banks.
* Admission Requirements for most Universities in Nigeria
(a) UTME Entry Requirements
Candidates for admission to the Department must first satisfy the University entry requirements. In addition, the UTME entry requirements include level credits in Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology or Agricultural Science.
Crop means domesticated or cultivated plants that are grown for profit(Isabella Lastimosa, 2015). It usually connotes a group or population of cultivated plants. In the other hand, plant is any organism belonging to the kingdom plantae typically lacking of active locomotion or obvious nervous system or sensory organs and has photosynthetic ability.
According to University Of Nigeria Nsukka, Crop Science is concerned with the selection, improvement and production of crops useful to man. It addresses the planting, maintenance, protection, harvesting, storage and aspects of post-harvest handling of produce. According to Ohio State Universities website, Horticulture and Crop Science is defined as “the application of biological, chemical and physical principles to crops and cropping systems to increase their efficiency in converting light and supplemental resources into food, feed, fiber, or ornamental commodities such as floral crops.” According to Isabella Lastimosa(2015), crop science is concerned with the observation and classification of knowledge concerning economically cultivated crops and the establishment of verifiable principles regarding their growth and development for the purpose of deriving the optimum benefit from them. The definition that I generally go by is anything that has to do with or shares a part in the production of plants for human needs or consumption. This includes the biology, chemistry, sales, management and many other individual areas of crop production. Generally, crop science entails manipulation of plants' physiology or genetic makeups and the environment for yield maximization or optimization, with the ultimate goal of satisfying or meeting man's needs of food, etc.
The evolution and ongoing development of plants and crops, enabled by science, is the focus of crop scientists. Scientific research to enhance productivity while sustaining the integrity of ecological processes encompasses crop science, including crop breeding, crop physiology, crop ecology, forage and grazing lands, nutritionally enhanced plants, seed science and technology, and turfgrass science. The research is communicated and transferred among agronomists and those in related fields on topics of local, regional, national, and international significance. This research may then be used for practical applications.
Crop scientists focus on improving crops and agricultural productivity while effectively managing pests and weeds. They make this possible through the application of soil and plant sciences to crop production that incorporates the wise use of natural resources and conservation practices to produce food, feed, fuel, fiber, and pharmaceutical crops while maintaining and improving the environment.
Interested in a career in crop science?
A career in crop science keeps you in the center of efforts to increase the production of food, feed, fuels and fiber, for a growing world citizenry. The crop scientist has many career paths. You’ll find agronomists working in research, teaching and extension at colleges and universities, for the USDA at their Agricultural Research Stations, in extension offices, for companies, and as consultants in agribusiness.
Some common options in the public sector for graduates include jobs with seed, agriculture, grain production and food processing companies as well as various positions with the United Stated Department of Agriculture and entrepreneur options such as starting your own nursery. There are even opportunities for graduates in sales and marketing and if interested in these options a student can minor in agribusiness. Speaking of minors, a student must complete both a minor and internship and has many options for the minor. Some common minors include plant pathology, entomology and agribusiness but a student also has many other options in almost any discipline offered by the University.
In most Universities in Nigeria, Crop science is offered with the following objectives;
1. To equip the graduates with sufficient training and production technology that will enable them engage meaningfully in full-time crop production enterprise
2. To prepare the graduates with adequate knowledge and skill to work in research and development institutions at both national and international levels.
3. To produce graduates that will teach agricultural science at secondary level.
The B. Agric (Crop Science) programme is designed to provide a broad practical and theoretical training in the basic agricultural sciences for the first three years. During the fourth year (farm year), practical training is provided in approved farms and agro-based establishments. During the fifth (final) year, the students are given intensive courses that will enable them graduate in any of the under-listed areas of specialization.
Crop Production
Crop Protection
Our research focus spans through the application of basic sciences to the production, protection and exploitation of indigenous crop species. Recently, emphasis has been extended to address the utilization of biotechnology in the production of high premium planting materials for farmers.
Job Opportunities
Crop Science is applied biological and physical sciences in the production of food and fibre the foundation of civilization. Training in the Department provides job opportunities in various government and private agencies engaged in crop production as well as being self-employed. Graduates work as agricultural and biological scientists and also as research staff of agriculture based institutions at both national and international levels, technical experts in agricultural farms, ADPs, River Basin Authorities, plantations, agro-chemicals industries and food control laboratories, They can also serve as science teachers. Job opportunities also exist in customs and quarantine services, agricultural department of financial institutions such as commercial banks and agricultural credit banks.
* Admission Requirements for most Universities in Nigeria
(a) UTME Entry Requirements
Candidates for admission to the Department must first satisfy the University entry requirements. In addition, the UTME entry requirements include level credits in Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology or Agricultural Science.
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